not Chicago
awesome photos. seems like you had a swell time. can i use the photo of the cow jumping in my painting? it looks funky yet funny. so, did you drink everyday? i know i wouldve. ireland seems like an excellent place to go for vaca.
What are you doing in Ireland, McCain?
go nuts juan, I know you'll do something good. McCain was a life sized cutout on air canada, c-r-e-e-p-y.
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awesome photos. seems like you had a swell time. can i use the photo of the cow jumping in my painting? it looks funky yet funny. so, did you drink everyday? i know i wouldve. ireland seems like an excellent place to go for vaca.
What are you doing in Ireland, McCain?
go nuts juan, I know you'll do something good. McCain was a life sized cutout on air canada, c-r-e-e-p-y.
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